
In this section you will find directions for finding the train stations near the school and for finding EGMUN’s official hostels in Helsingør (Elsinore) and Fredensborg. Furthermore we will help you out with the public transportation so you don’t get on the wrong train!


How do I know when the trains are leaving?

The public transportation in Denmark is usually very reliable, punctual, and it takes you everywhere.

Everything (trains, Metro and busses) can be accessed with the same ticket, all you need to know is how many zones you will pass on your journey.

The easiest way to find out how many zones you will be passing is to go to the Journey Planner where you can type in your destination and your starting point, it will then plan multiple different journeys for you and you can then choose the one which fits the best. When you have chosen your journey there will be information on when the trains are leaving and how many zones you will be passing.

Buying tickets

Figuring out the prices of public transportation can be tricky because the possibilities can seem endless, and therefore we have gathered a little information about the different kinds of ways you can buy tickets and how much they cost. Please notice that traveling without a valid ticket will result in a fine of up to DKK 750 therefore you should always have your ticket with you in case a conductor wants to see it.

Single trip ticket
A regular ticket is a single trip ticket. You have to buy the amount of zones needed to get to your destination. 2 and 3 zone tickets are valid for one hour. 4, 5 and 6 zone tickets are valid for an hour and a half. 7, 8 and 9 zone tickets are valid for two hours. Please note that this does not refer to the number of the specific zones, but the amount of zones you have bought. Check the back of your ticket if you are in doubt. During this time you can use your ticket all you want in the metro, bus and train, as long as you do not pass through more zones than your ticket allows. Zone tickets cost between DKK 24 (for 2 zones) and DKK 108 (for all zones). 2 zones will cover most travel in Copenhagen city centre, whereas an all zone ticket will get you from Copenhagen Central Station to Elsinore.

Where to buy tickets in person

Always buy a ticket before boarding the train or metro (this doesn’t include ”lokalbanen” (see the picture to the right) because here you will buy the tickets inside the train.

You can buy your ticket in ticket machines, which accept Danish cash and the most common credit cards, or 7 Eleven kiosks at the train and metro stations. In Copenhagen Airport arrival hall and at Copenhagen Central Station there is a DSB ticket office as well as ticket machines. Please note that not all ticket types/travel cards are for sale via machines.

Onboard the buses in Copenhagen, you also have the possibility to buy your ticket from the driver, if you bring small change.

Pay with smartphones

Download the app “DOT mobilbilletter” in App Store and Google Play and pay for your tickets on the go.

Once you have downloaded the app, write you phone number and click “send” then after a few seconds you should have received an text with a code on, copy/paste that into the app and click “send”.

Now you can change the language by clicking on “Indstillinger” (settings) in the lower right hand corner and click on “English” under “Sprog” (language). Then you will get the English version of the app. From there you can select the fare you need and enter your credit card details.

You can also buy your bus, train and metro tickets online.


Espergærde Gymnasium to Espergærde Train Station

Walk from the school via Gymnasievej to Hovvej.

Walk straight forward via Rugmarken.

When you reach Nørremarken, turn right, and then follow Nørremarken to the traffic lights.

You have reached Espergærde St.

Espergærde Gymnasium to “Mørdrup” Train Station in Espergærde

Mørdrup station is right next to the school. This is the station you will need to use if you’re going to Fredensborg (the train is continuing on to Hillerød) or Elsinore (Helsingør).

Just follow the map to the right

Fredensborg Train Station to DanHostel Fredensborg

Head southwest on Stationsvej toward Benediktevej.

Turn right onto Jernbanegade.

Continue straight to stay on Jernbanegade.

Slight left to stay on Jernbanegade

Turn left onto Slotsgade.

Turn right onto Østrupvej.

Elsinore Train Station to DanHostel Helsingør

Walk from Stationspladsen, and continue onto Havnepladsen.

Continue to Brostræde.

Turn right onto Stengade.

Turn left onto Sct Anna Gade.

Slight right onto Sct Anna Gade/Route 237.

Turn right onto Nordre Strandvej.

You’ve reached Danhostel Helsingør.

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